Kathy Schuknecht

I was honored and elated to receive this special recognition award!
WCCW is a wonderful organization and their conference is a treasure trove for aspiring writers!

After making our home in seven states, as well as in Japan, our family settled in Idaho. For nearly a decade, my husband Lowell led a lay ministry in the “Church of the Wildwood”, a century-old one-room schoolhouse in a former gold-mining camp in the Sawtooth Mountains. I cleaned the church (and the outhouse), studied creative writing, and wrote my first novel.

Although “Transforming Grace” was conceived as a standalone novel, my characters insisted they have a lot more to say and do! I finally gave in to their demands.

“Revealing Ophelia” will be released in 2023.

Hemlock Run is not found on any map, but I hope that once you find it, you’ll never want to leave!

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